helping hand

Once upon a time their was a lion and that lion is the king , it was kind and helpful to everyone .  One day there was a crow which has got a problem that  was "king i am living in a banyan tree and in the same a snake is also living so `king whenever i lays a egg and go in search of food and when i come back my eggs were eaten by snake" said crow by listen these thing lion agreed to help crow then they went to the snake and asked why you are  eating crow's eggs every time king said think snake if you have children  then we will kill them how do you feel snake said i,am sorry crow now onward i,ll never eat your eggs.

After 1 week crow came to king because king called him crow asked what happen king why are you very upset tell me my king i,ll solve it ,  king said "crow from late one week queen is missing " next day crow thank that king has help me so i,ll also help to king crow was flying 15 km there was a river crow than crow saw queen there so crow has taken queen to king  then all where happy 

Moral---be help to everyone at every time.....  

Story by

Aryan Ambati
A student of class five  in defence lab school , kanchanbagh , hyderabad


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